What is the return policy?

  1. You have a legal period of 14 days from receipt of the goods to notify us of your intention to return the product via our contact form. Do not forget to provide us with information about your order (product(s) returned, order number, name and address). After receiving your report, you will always receive confirmation from us. Of course, we would also like to know the reasons for this return, but it is not an obligation. After receiving notification from us, you have 14 days to return the product to Petite Amélie.

  2. We then provide you with information on how to return the articles concerned.

  3. After receiving the order back in our warehouses, it is verified. The returned product must be returned without wear, in its original packaging and not mounted. Note, mattresses, bed linen and other textile products (for hygenic reasons) must be returned to us in their original packaging and unopened.

  4. The purchase price of the product (shipping is non refundable) will be refunded as soon as possible by Petite Amélie in the case of a return procedure. The refund period does not exceed 14 days from the time you indicated that you wish to return the product. (Provided that the purchased product is returned to our warehouse or where it can be demonstrated that the product purchased has been returned).

    As a customer, you are entitled to review and judge the product after receipt. However, if, during the inspection of the returned product by our warehouse staff, visible damage is caused to the product (eg during assembly / disassembly) resulting from the use of the products, which go beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, the characteristics and operation of the products, in addition, if we find that the product returned to us is damaged due to a packaging of insufficient quality, Petite Amélie will be able to decide to only partially refund the product or to refuse to refund it in case of impossibility of resale in the state.

    The shipping costs associated with the return are - if the right of withdrawal is used - at the expense of the customer. Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return can be organized by Petite Amélie to save you time and have minimal costs. The costs of return are the same as the shipping costs paid for an order. If you decide to ship the goods at your expense, the costs are usually much higher.
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